Lead Stories Podcast – God is still telling stories.

It’s a strange feeling.

It’s hard to describe. Perhaps some of you have felt it too?

It’s the feeling that there are things inside of you that must have a place to emerge.

Thoughts, experiences, stories, learnings.

It’s this feeling that led me to begin this blog three years ago.

It’s this same feeling that has resulted in the launch of a podcast with my friend Jo Saxton.

God is still telling stories and it’s almost as if I MUST tell them!

In many ways, I am in awe that I get the chance to have a paid vocation leading a church, coaching leaders, speaking, and preaching.

Then there are times when your heart tells you that you just need to give some things away.

That you’ve learned so much, seen God move in so many ways, you can’t help but tell the story and you have to give it away as a gift!

Lead Stories Podcast is that gift.

It comes from the core of myself and Jo, from deep places within us.

Others gave us similar gifts. Shared their stories, encouraged us, empowered us and now we want to pass it on.

Jo is one of the women I respect the most in this world.

Not the kind of respect you have for someone that you observe from a distance and admire.

The kind of respect you have when you’ve been in the trenches with someone, when you’ve prayed them through the valleys and rejoiced on the mountain tops.

The kind of respect you have when you see deep integrity, honesty, courage and vulnerability in someone’s life up close.

Jo has been someone who has discipled me, challenged me, reminded me of God’s faithfulness and pushed through struggle with me. She has taught me about so much through our similarities and through our differences.

Her friendship has changed my life.

It’s an honor to give this gift alongside her and it’s a privilege to be her friend.

My prayer is that this podcast would be more than just some stories that Jo and I tell into a microphone that then magically travel into your ear buds.

My prayer is that God will stir your heart as he has mine for the the things that God cares about.

My prayer is that you’d be encouraged on the days where you need extra empowerment.

My prayer is that you’d be challenged to continue to become who God created you to be and to live into every purpose he has for you.

I’m thrilled to share this gift with you and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, questions and stories!

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Steph and Jo Small File