“I’m not a leader”… and other lies women tell themselves.


“I’m not a leader”… and other lies women tell themselves.

Some of the most courageous leaders I’ve known in my life have been women. Some of the most compassionate leaders I have known are men.

Men and women are different, they bring different gifts to the table, different experiences, different perspectives.

But I believe gender shouldn’t keep anyone, male or female, from living into the fullness of who God created them to be.

This is why the amount of women who make the statement, “I’m not a leader” is so disturbing to me.

Women who are clearly people of influence
Women who have others who look to them for advice
Women whom others would love a chance to be mentored by
Women who take a stand for what is right when it’s not popular
Women who lead people in helping others

Claiming that leadership is not a part of who they are.

I know what it feels like to want to shrink back from what God is calling you into. I’ve seen many men and women face the pressures that come with living into leadership. But I’ve also seen what our God can do through just a few people willing to have courage and to STAND when they’d rather hide out.

I love opportunities to empower people in missional discipleship. I believe both men and women should be equipped to live God’s mission in their neighborhoods, workplaces, churches, schools and families. This month, there will be a gathering to equip women who lead in all of these venues in an event called STAND: Women’s Equipping Weekend March 27-28, 2015 – and YOU or women YOU know are invited!

This is so important because this “lie” women often tell themselves leads to other lies in their life:

Lie #1 – I’m not a leader.

Lie #2 – People aren’t looking to me for leadership and discipleship.

This is simply not true, every woman I have met have others in their life who watch how they live and are influenced by that woman in one way or the other. It’s up to you to choose in what way someone is going to be influenced by you… and that takes leadership.

Lie #3 – I don’t have a title that makes me a leader, so I’m not one.

Wrong again. Does positional authority lead to leadership? It can. But it certainly is only one small factor. I have seen many people in leadership “positions” fail to step into the authority given to them. I have seen many people lead with humility when there is no title or official “role” to speak of. We serve the King of Kings – Jesus is our leader. If you are following him closely – then you are worth following.

Lie #4 – I have to “have it all together” before I can lead anyone.

If we had to wait for that, then NO one would ever lead. Are there times we need to grow as a person to be able to lead well? Yes. Are there barriers in our lives that keep us from living on mission? Sure. But we don’t have to wait to be perfect before we can lead… or we never will. My mentor and friend Jo Saxton always says, “God isn’t looking for a perfect example – but a LIVING example”. That’s you my friend!

Lie #5 – I don’t have to be equipped as a leader since I’m not one.

This is why lie #1 is so detrimental. If we don’t believe we are leaders we don’t step into contexts where we can grow as leaders.

I see God doing amazing things in my city, and God has invited us to participate with what God is doing. What a privilege!

But it’s all hands on deck people!

We need leaders of every type: gender, age, ethnicity, background, etc. to get equipped as fast as possible.

That’s why I share opportunities to do so whenever I can with men and women who I believe God wants to use in God’s Kingdom NOW!

If you are a woman who can get to Minneapolis on March 27-28th – Join us for STAND – Women’s Equipping Weekend. You won’t regret it!