I’m giving up FOMO for Lent.

February 18, 2015 1 comment Uncategorized


I’m giving up FOMO for Lent.

Today is the first day of the Lenten season, marked by Ash Wednesday.

For the next 40 days we are invited to turn towards God with intention as we approach the celebration of Holy Week and Easter.

Celebrating Lent as a spiritual practice has only been a part of my adult life, in that my evangelical upbringing didn’t include celebrating most of the church calendar.

Fasting is a regular part of the 40 days of Lent so that we can cultivate a dependence on God.

It also serves as a regular reminder to turn towards God when so much else is vying for our attention.

Over the years I have given up certain foods, beverages, social media, etc.

But this year, the invitation I felt God inviting me to pay attention to something that felt less tangible.

This year, I am giving up FOMO for Lent.

Apparently, FOMO is what “the kids are saying these days”.

I’m at the point in my life where I am often being educated by those 5-10 years younger than me on my lack of social awareness.

FOMO was one of those recent mini-educational moments I was offered by a 21 year old.

It stands for the phrase, “fear of missing out.”

As I gazed at this bubbly creature, over a decade younger than me, I felt the silly acronym strike a cord within me.

Oh no…

I have FOMO!

Not just sometimes… ALL the time.

I am constantly feeling like I’m supposed to be in more places than one. My mind drifts into the future playing out possible scenarios and predicting potential experiences that I may need to prepare for in some way.

You should have seen the look on my therapists face when I tried to explain to him my diagnosis.

“I have FOMO… that’s what’s wrong with me!!!”

His response:

“oh… kaaaaaay…? And that is…?”

Apparently it hasn’t made it into the DSM.

A few months of therapy sessions later, I am here at the beginning of Lent.

I realize I haven’t conquered this fear, but it has much less control over me than it did just a few months back. This change has been dramatic enough, that I feel as though I can intentionally “give up” FOMO as this season begins.

I know that my mind will drift back into “FOMO Land” often and daily.

So I’ve written these “breath prayers” to speak out to God as I intentionally turn from my fear and back to Jesus invitation to turn towards him:

God, help me focus on this moment.

Jesus, I want to be fully present where I am to you and those around me.

Spirit, guide me to dwell on your movement in this room now, and not elsewhere.

To make sure this is challenging, God has also given me some unique learning opportunities this season that will mean I am traveling to 3 other states than the one I live in over the 40 days of Lent.

Lent 2015:

I am laying down FOMO.

I am picking up being fully present with God… BFPWG.

The kids seem to do better with the acronyms than I do… oh well.

What are you laying down and picking up this season?