How to Find God in Halloween


How to Find God on Halloween

God is moving in my neighborhood. I know this to be true because I’ve seen it all around me. Relationships that weren’t by happenstance, experiences that have brought healing and wholeness.

God is on the move.

October 31st won’t be an exception.

God will be active on Halloween night, I’m sure of it. The question is, will we be out looking for God’s movement?

I’m NOT advocating for either side of the debate on whether the holiday itself is evil or not.

Evil is at work 365 days a year. All the more reason to look for what God is up to!

  • I AM advocating for looking for the Light of the World as people walk through darkened streets.
  • I’m advocating for being ready to engage on a night when knocking on your neighbor’s door is culturally acceptable.
  • I’m advocating for looking deep into what God might be doing on a night when the neighbors you have been called to love as you love yourself… are coming over to your house.

Here are three ways we can participate with what God might be doing this halloween:

1. Meet your neighbors

It’s crazy that many of us have lived on the same street as others for years, but have yet to even get their name! Keep a note pad by your door or take one with you as you walk with your kids.

If you get a chance to meet a neighbor that you’ve seen around, but never met, get their name an write it down for future reference.

2. Pray for your neighbors

Some of us have been in the practice of praying for our neighborhoods as we drive or walk through each day. But on Halloween we have a chance to have the walk right up to our front door or us to theirs.

Pray over your front step before people come by. Pray for each group as they walk away from your door. Or as you step on to the property of your neighbors, pray that God’s Kingdom would come in that home.

In our neighborhoods, there is always more going on in the spiritual realm then we are aware of.

We have the opportunity to be a part of that by praying for God’s Spirit to move. Let’s not miss it!

3. Invite your neighbors

Pick a night in November to invite over the neighbors on your block. As you visit those homes, drop off an invite. We are hosting our 4th Annual Chili Feed next week.

At this point our block expects the invite and ask us when it’s happening before the invites go out.

Trust me – you can cram way more chili eaters into your house then you think!

So on October 31st – Meet, Pray and Invite!

If you pay attention as you go, I promise, you will find God moving on Halloween!