Instagram’s not the problem… we’re the problem.


Instagram is not the problem… we’re the problem.

I can’t stand looking through my Instagram feed, it seems like everyone has a perfect life.

I hear phrases like this all the time. Typically there are two emotions that accompany a statement like this:

1. I feel like everyone has a prefect life… except me.

Or just as harmful…

2. Clearly these people DON’T have perfect lives and shame on them for making it seem like that!

Number 1 is a comparison trap and number 2 is a judgement trap.

Neither is helpful.

Instagram is not the problem – we are the problem.

Besides, none of us want people to begin to complain and “over-share” on their social media – those who do make us ALL feel awkward.

But the reality is – many of us believe that we have to have perfect lives before we can be a part of what God is doing.

This is a huge barrier to mission.

You want to begin to disciple others, but you feel like you aren’t a good enough example.

You’d love to make a difference in your neighborhood, but you don’t feel like we have what it takes.

You’d love to be an invested member of your church, but as a single person – you don’t feel that you have the marital status to be a leader in your church.

You have often hoped to have purpose in your workplace – but you can’t possibly find meaning in a job you detest.

These barriers don’t have to be your story.

God extends invitations to us to participate with what he is doing every day!

Even when you are in a season of struggle in your marriage.

Even when you unexpectedly became a single parent.

Even when you are trying to overcome a battle with low self-esteem.

Even when you feel like you have waited forever to conceive a child.

Even when it seems like most days are dominated by the mundane.

God want’s to use you NOW.

The struggle is real… but it doesn’t have to keep you from truly living into your purpose NOW.

My challenge to you is to ask God to open your eyes to see what God is doing around you even in the mundane.

Be willing to see the downtrodden, lonely and forgotten people who maybe with in eye shot of where you are sitting right now.

Ask God to open your ears to his invitation to participate. You may also need to ask God to silence the LOUD voice of fear, insecurity, inadequacy and even apathy.

God’s voice can be louder!

If you need to have your sh*t together to participate in God’s mission, then no one would qualify.

What do you see God doing? What do you hear God saying?

How will you respond?

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.