What is in YOUR way?


What is in YOUR Way?

Barriers. We all face them.

The things that keep us from stepping into all that we were made to be. 

As I think about my own life, and the lives of the people around me, I can’t remember a day I didn’t come face to face with a barrier.

Something in our lives that stop us in our tracks. 

Barriers that keep us from living a life on mission. These things block us from participating with what God is doing around us. 

It’s as if we are running a race, there is a track God laid out for us, and we literally hit a wall.

Smack right into it.

Emotional health, moral failures, stress and fear can be walls.

Walls can come in the form of adjusting to parenting, strain on our relationship with our significant other and poor time management.

Some of us face these walls on a monthly, weekly or even daily basis. 

You want to connect with your neighbors but we can’t seem to create margin in our calendars.

You’d love to disciple others towards a life on mission in their workplaces, but you know that the moral failure you haven’t dealt with keeps you from a life worth imitating. 

You know you are made to live with intention in your workplace, looking for God’s movement around you, but their is so much fear and anxiety that you are going to offend someone or become an outsider.

You’d be excited to be a part of something bigger then yourself that God is doing in the city or in your community, but you are paralyzed by the emotional health struggle that seems to big to face.

It’s hurts to run face first into these walls! It’s discouraging, and it’s sometimes tempting to quit running the race at all. 

Are you discouraged?

Are you worn out?

Have you quit?

It’s not over. We Follow a God who speaks to us and says:

Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for?  -Jesus (Matthew 16 MSG)

I believe that Jesus can lead us up, over, under, around or even THROUGH these walls in our lives. So this is the beginning of a conversation about how God has done this for me, and others and God can do this for you! Most of us face many different barriers in our lives… I know I have and will continue to.

So let’s start again today… and lose our lives. That’s the only way to truly find it.

(Stay tuned for PART TWO – SUBSCRIBE HERE)