What No Child Deserves


What No Child Deserves 

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you know there have been a lot of conversations about World Vision and their back and forth with their HR policies.

From the looks of it, there will continue to be quite a bit more debates in the coming days.

Honestly, I don’t want to talk about that right now.

Sure, I have a ton of opinions about it all, as I’m sure you do.

There are plenty of opinions to read online already.

Instead, I want to talk about what is the most heartbreaking, frightening and startling reality in the midst of this conversation:

34 million kids in our world don’t have enough food each day.

There is nothing that any child has ever done or could ever do to deserve to be hungry.

No child deserves to wonder where their next meal comes from.

212,000 of those hungry kids live in Minnesota.

These are our neighbors. These are the kids I pass playing on the basketball court as I walk my dog around the block.

If you are a follower of Jesus… then we must see that these are OUR kids.

Should we have conversations about holding the tensions of different morals in our modern cultures?

Sure – if we can do it from a place of love instead of judgment – on ALL sides of the issues.

Should we fight for change in the systemic issues that perpetuate the cycles of poverty in our city and our world? Absolutely.

The systemic change will take generations of change, and everyone must do what they can to make sure more kids don’t have to face another day without this basic need.

It’s not their fault.

Kids shouldn’t have to wait around, feeling the panic and reeling pain of hunger insecurity while adults like us work to get our crap together.

The story of child hunger can start to change. How are you participating in the story?

The story in my neighborhood is now affectionately called, “The Sheridan Story”.

It’s a story of churches and community groups in the Twin Cities sponsoring schools so that hungry kids have food on the weekends when many of them experience a severe shortage.

It’s the story of the Kingdom of God coming in tangible ways.

It’s the story of thousands of meals making it into the hands of hungry kids right here in Minneapolis.

It’s the story of one school of kids being fed, turning into 11 schools and counting in under a year. 

It’s the story of a city waking up an paying attention.

The story is changing.

My friends and I sponsored a classroom of kids at The Sheridan School for the year. 

It’s not much, but it’s a start.

My challenge to you: Make it a part of your story today!


Watch Jordan’s Story: