You’re Never Too Little!

November 20, 2012 2 comments Uncategorized

You’re Never Too Little!

When people have needs, being able to serve doesn’t always fit into our tightly packed schedules. I often think about what it means to have “capacity” in my life to love others in the name of Jesus. Do we have enough time, resources, emotional health and supportive relationships to live on mission?

A question I’ve asked myself is this: If God called me in the midst of my day to follow in a way I hadn’t previously planned, would I have the time to respond?

Turns out, we don’t serve a God who lives within the boundaries of our limited realities. I believe if we ask, God will show us how our capacity can grow, even if it’s just one step at a time.

The other day I got a phone call from a neighbor:

“I really need some help moving some heavy items in my house. Are there any guys you know that can come over? With the health issues I have, I just can’t do it,” my neighbor told me. It sounded like there had been a few asks before she called me.

She explained that it would be ideal for some burly guys to help by carrying window air conditioners to storage and some furniture up the stairs.

I felt like it would be really meaningful if we could respond right away and I was so honored that she was willing to ask for help, so I thought about who could help out.

The problem was, it was 11am. After realizing that The Premiums (my buff male musician neighbors) were either sleeping or at work, I racked my brain and I couldn’t think of anyone that was free till after work in the evening.

Then I realized I was overlooking an important group of people: stay-at-home parents.

Don’t get me wrong, they work very hard all day long doing one of the most important jobs in the world: Discipling their kids.

However, I realized they might have capacity for a 20 minute window to serve this neighbor! I thought about the stay-at-home dad’s I know, all of which are wonderful men (you can follow the antics of one of them at his blog appropriately named: I Wish I Had Boobs).

But since I knew the Mill City “mom’s group” was just finishing up meeting I decided to call a mom to see if she could stop by on her way home. Within an hour my friend Jana and her two boys joined me at my neighbor’s house using power tools to detach the window units.

I’m sure my neighbor was surprised to see the two of us women and two little men instead of a big strong man!

As we carried the dresser into the house, Wyatt, who is three and a half, said, “mom, I want to help too!” and the three of us finished the job together.

Though we were pushing little brother Jackson’s nap time, we made it happen and these young men got to participate.

Increasing capacity in our lives is hard no matter who you are, and it’s different for all of us.

Let me tell you, I know families with young kids who spend an evening a month serving at the food shelf. I’ve seen parents take their kids along to clean the homes of those with disabilities. I know families that raise money to buy a cow for people through World Vision. There have been more than a few two year olds that have helped us set up our portable church on a Sunday morning.  I know Dad’s who bring their kids around the block to say hello to neighbors and kids that help pack food for other kids who need it.

According to Jesus – when we spend time with little kids, we are closer to the Kingdom.

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Growing in capacity is hard, especially when young kids are in the picture, but the Kingdom belongs to these little ones, and the families I mentioned seem to know that in a deep way.

These families are special to me, so much so that I would call them family. In the Kingdom of God, and in my family, you’re never too little to serve.