Are you ready for a brand new beat?

Are you ready for a brand new beat?

In my last post, I told you about my friends The Premiums (who are playing a local show this weekend, click HERE if you want to check them out). They are a reggae-funk band who also happen to be my neighbors. It seemed like we were meant to be friends for a reason – for something bigger than merely having a good time hanging out around a back yard bon fire or BBQ.

Turns out this feeling was more than a hunch.

Do you ever get ideas at inopportune moments? I do, usually in the shower or when I am laying awake in the middle of the night. Not the moment when you’d be able to easily write things down much less act on those ideas.

June 29th, 12:30am – I had an idea.

What if The Premiums would be willing to play a concert on our street for National Night Out?! I was so excited about the idea, I got out of bed to go downstairs and shoot them an email.

You see, my street has never had a block party; according to the woman in her 80s who has lived on Adams Street her whole adult life.

Adams Street has it’s fair share of struggles. It sticks out in my neighborhood as a street that seems to have more “issues” than the surrounding blocks. Most of the street is rental, so there is literally less ownership of the block and there is every type of diversity you could imagine on our street from economic status, race and religion; not to mention the group homes that are on our block.

Not exactly a recipe for unity.

I was beyond excited when The Premiums agreed to play the concert in the street. We roped off our block and over 100 people showed up to eat dinner together and listen to great music by my roomie, Kara Doten and her friend Chris Frost singing (click their name to hear their music), as well as The Premiums. The diversity of our street was represented as I looked over the rainbow of beautiful faces all made in the image of our loving God.

Around 7pm, a good portion of the crowd began to dance to The Premiums’ “funky” music. Strangers becoming friends – dancing in the street.

In a world that breeds division:

  • When one of the oldest streets in Minneapolis has it’s first block party…
  • When there is more food than could possibly be consumed by 100 people…
  • When a very diverse group of people are dancing together in the street…

I have to believe this is the Kingdom of God coming in a tangible form.

The Premiums thanked me profusely for “letting them” play this concert. I thought it was a favor they were offering me as the block party organizer! Thanks again guys – you rock… literally.

Can’t wait to see what more is in store for The Parsonage and The Premiums.

A dynamic duo, if you ask me!

Callin’ out around the world, are you ready for a brand new beat?
Summer’s here and the time is right for dancin’ in the street.
This is an invitation, across the nation,
A chance for folks to meet.
There’ll be laughin’,  singin’ and music swingin’
Dancin’ in the street!
–  Martha & The Vandellas