Taking Jesus Seriously

Often when I think about the way Jesus lived and the things he said, with all due respect I wonder: Is this guy serious?

How exactly can these words become a reality?

Stuff Jesus Says:

Forgive seventy times seven

Sell your possessions and give to the poor

If your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out

If someone sues you, give them more than they ask for

Love your neighbor and love your enemy

Live without worry

Give to those in need

All this from just ONE of his sermons!

I know that his words can seem daunting… but what if we just begin to take these words seriously and put Jesus’ words into practice, as he suggests at the end of this same sermon?

If we believe in the powerful love of Jesus, and have received it – that love can give us what we need to live a Jesus way of life!

I personally don’t think this looks like gouging out our eyes, or selling every item we have. I think it’s beginning to step out and try living the way of Jesus, even if you start small.

In my experience, this can lead to more than you could have imagined!

A few months ago, I thought more seriously about how Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:10 that we can pray that God’s Kingdom would come. If we take Jesus seriously, then he is saying that we are given the authority to pray that the Kingdom of God would come when we pray in Jesus name.

So when it got warm last spring I began to pray this prayer as I walked my dog, Chaco, around the neighborhood. I prayed that God’s kingdom would come on each street I walked.

That God’s kingdom would come on Adams Street, where I live, and on Jefferson, Jackson, and Quincy (Northeast streets are mostly presidents). I prayed that God’s Kingdom would come, in Jesus’ name, as I passed the mosque around the corner of my block, Cali’s Vietnamese restaurant, the laundry mat and each house I walked by.

It was a small change to my everyday life, trying to take Jesus seriously in just one area. Let me tell you, the things that have happened over the last five months since I have been praying this prayer through my neighborhood can only be explained by the power of such a prayer; prayed in the name of Jesus:

•The hungry have been fed.

•Dangerous crimes have been stopped.

•Strangers have become friends.

•People have relocated to live on a mission of love.

•Large sums of money have been donated.

•The voice of the marginalized has been heard.

•We literally danced in the street with our neighbors.

When there is dancing in the street, that’s a sure sign of the Kingdom of God! Either that or you are in Motown… or both!

The Kingdom of God is coming on Adams Street. The Kingdom of God is coming in St. Anthony East neighborhood.

I took Jesus’ words seriously when he said I had the authority to pray this specific prayer and it’s amazing what God did!

Let me tell you these stories! To be continued…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdvITn5cAVc]