
Take Action.

I have centered my life around a core concept:

God is still active and moving in the world.

If this is true, and I’m banking on it, then we have an invitation to join in.

To move.

Activism for me is about taking action and joining in what I see God doing in the world. When there are things that are wrong that need to be made right, I immediately wonder how God may invite me to respond.

Then, to the best of my ability, I join in!

There are two main ways that I live out what I call Kingdom Activism.

First, locally in my neighborhood.

Sometimes we get caught up in the madness of how big and complicated the problems are in the world. God is not surprised by our brokenness. We are invited to step towards the chaos, not run from it, just like Jesus did.

One of the best ways to do this is locally.

The second avenue for my Kingdom Activism is awareness.

I often have rare opportunities to use my voice to to raise awareness. I get to coach and encourage other activists to begin or continue to MOVE!

I get to do this through, my podcast, sermons, blogging and other opportunities I have to engage groups of people.

Here are some of the areas of Kingdom Activism God has invited me into recently and how you might be able to join in:

Food Insecurity

I believe that everyone should have this basic need met. Especially children. My church started sending food home on the weekends because kids were digging in the trash and hoarding food on Fridays. Read the story – it’s amazing!

This became a team that helps over 130 churches sponsor over 130 schools with food for every child who needs it over the weekend: The Sheridan Story

Education Gaps

There are multiple education gaps in my city and in the rest of the United States when it comes to the difference between white students and students of color.

My church worships in a school and has since our inception. This issue is close to my heart. Mentoring students, and joining in locally is what activism looks like for me in this area.

Some writing I have done on the subject:

Adventures of mentoring

What no Child Deserves

Affordable Housing

This issue affects so many in my community. There is not enough affordable housing in my city for those who need it. This is true in many urban centers in our country.

My husband raised awareness through his film Out in the Cold when he spent the night outside in the frigid Minneapolis winter to engage with this issue on a closer level.

One of the ways I have been involved on the local level is through Clare Housing. They provide housing to those who live below the poverty level and who also have HIV/Aids.

Here are some stories about getting to know these wonderful residents:

In Our Neighborhood Everyone Has a Voice

No One Should Die Alone

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